This is how you add a time off category on your Evolia account.
1. Navigate to the Evolia web console
2. Click on the Company settings icon.
3. Select Payroll and Time Off.
4. Go into Time Off Categories.
5. Click on Add a time off category.
6. Click the "Name" field and give a name to the leave type.
7. Click the "Code" field and give a code to the leave type.
Warning: The code needs to match the one in your intergration system.
8. Click on the Unit bar.
9. Select the unit you want for this type of leave.
10. Click on Next.
11. Select the team(s), position(s), location(s), employee(s) and Employee Statuses desired for this type of leave and click Next.
12. Select the desired settings for the leave type and click Submit to add the leave type to your account.