This is how you can create a leave request on the Evolia app.
Audience: Everyone
1. Navigate to the Evolia web console.
2. Go into the Employees section.
3. Select the desired employee. (If you are an employee on Evolia) the only person you can create a leave request for is yourself)
4. Click on Plan a leave request.
5. Click on the Select a type of leave field.
6. Select the desired type of leave.
7. Click the Start date field.
8. Select the desired start date.
9. Click the on the End date field.
10. Select the desired end date.
11. Click on the Available Leave to use field and enter the amount of hours, days or money you want to use for the request depending on the settings of the type of leave.
12. If you want to enter a reason for the request, select the Reason for the request field and enter a reason.
13. Click Save to send the leave request to your manager.
Download as PDF: How to create a leave request